Become a member

We’d love you to join our community! Membership means you can attend and co-create our events, help make decisions and steer our organisation. Get involved as much or as little as you like – together, we can create amazing things!

Just fill out the form below. Can’t wait to have you with us!

Our values



  • We respond appropriately to problematic behaviour.
  • We do our best to meet expectations but tell others when we are finding that difficult.
  • We provide reasons for our decisions.
  • We set and communicate realistic goals.


  • We consider all ideas.
  • We deliberately create structures and processes that allow for multiple forms of participation.
  • We actively seek out marginalised and quieter voices.


  • We see mistakes as an opportunity for growth.
  • We openly experiment and try new ways of doing things.
  • We work hard, we play hard and we make our endeavours fun.


  • We seek to minimise any harm on our environment and our people.
  • We facilitate growth by providing scaffolds where necessary.


  • We consider personal support and relationship building to be important contributions.
  • We give people the space to not be at their best.
  • We share our lessons, insights and experiences with others.
  • We explicitly give thanks.


  • We respect the dignity of risk but consider how to respond if things go awry.
  • We ensure the right resources reach the right people in the right way and at the right time.
  • We own our ideas and our mistakes.
  • We do things better next time through learning and reflection.

Our Code of Conduct

All members of Common Arts Victoria (CAV) are expected to act in accordance with the behaviours outlined below. Behaviour that falls outside of these expectations may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the CAV Rules and Inclusion Policy.

  • Members are expected to act honestly, in good faith and according to the values of the organisation.
  • Any information or proprietary documents obtained by a member should be treated confidentially.
  • Members should appropriately manage any conflicts of interest, which includes both actual and perceived conflicts.
  • Members must not engage in any behaviour that could be considered bullying, harassment or intimidation towards other members.
  • Members should treat each other respectfully.
  • Members must act in ways that are inclusive of all people, cultures, and mindsets.

For a copy of the Rules, please contact us.

Boring-but-important: privacy information

Your personal information will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy. This information is being collected for two purposes. First, to meet our legal obligations under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 and, second, to ensure we can provide important information to our members. Information collected through this form will only be provided to volunteers when it is vital to the effective functioning of their role or is required by law. Phone numbers will only be used if a member has to be contacted urgently and all other options have been exhausted.

Access to your information

Under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, all members of Common Arts have a right to inspect the members register. This means that other members of Common Arts can inspect your name, address and the date your name was entered onto the register. If you need access to your details restricted due to special circumstances (such as being granted a family violence or personal safety intervention order), please contact us.

Apply here